If you're like us, you know that beauty is more than just looking pretty. You’re already confident in who you are and what you stand for, makeup is just an expression of that. An act of self-love.

Master Your Own Face Makeup Brushes + Masterclass

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Our Core Values

✔️ Cruelty Free: We are committed to cruelty-free, ensuring that no animals are harmed in the making of our makeup brushes.
✔️ Sustainable: Our brushes are crafted using high quality synthetic fibers, making them not only incredibly effective but also more sustainable. The durability of our brushes also means they last longer, contributing to more minimal and eco-friendly beauty routines.
✔️ Made To Empower Women: Designed to empower women through the art of makeup, encouraging self-expression and boosting confidence.
✔️ Ethical Beauty: We prioritize ethical beauty by partnering with ethical manufacturers who uphold fair working conditions for workers who handcraft our brushes.

Together, we can redefine beauty standards and create a world where every woman feels empowered, accepted, and beautiful.

Our Story

Our story originates from Palestine, a country known for its resilient and powerful women. Our founder, Faten Salem is a passionate marketing graduate, an entrepreneur with over 12 years of experience in the beauty industry as a bridal makeup artist.

Driven by a desire to challenge the beauty industry's norms, Faten envisioned a beauty brand that would reshape the narrative, one that rejects shame-based marketing and refuses to use women's insecurities just to sell more products.

Our brand is founded on the principles of women empowerment to inspire women to use makeup as a tool to celebrate their uniqueness & creativity.

"We believe that mindful beauty routines have the power to create a positive impact on women's mental wellbeing."

I don’t wear makeup a lot and usually try to be minimal with it. When I use any product I want it to be effortless otherwise I dont bother. When I used these brushes I felt that I was doing my makeup right for the first time and felt so confident with my look!

These tools really help with the application and blending because I get the results I want with little effort and time and a small amount of product. I loved that I can use one brush or blender for everyday makeup, or play with the various tools from the collection for more precision and fine details.

I can’t wait to explore more ways of working with them on my face!


الفراشي بالنسبة الي كانو كتير مختلفين من ناحية الجودة وسهولة الاستخدام للي معرفتهم بسيطة بهاد العالم متلي، بنفس الوقت عنجد حسيت باللي فاتن حابة توصللنا اياه انو وقت استخدامهم هو جزء من اعتنائي وحب حالي مش بس عبارة عن اشي لازم احطه ع وجهي

آلاء بيقاوي

ما ببالغ لما احكي واتغزل بنعومتهم وطريقة دمجهم وكيف كل فرشاي بتعمل شغلها بسهولة وسلاسة

انا عندي مشكلة بدمج الايشدو بس يالله شو فرشاية الصبر ومن اول مرة حلت هاي المشكلة و احلى اشي كمان قديش عمليين

حلو كيف قدرتي تجمعي كل الفراشي الممكن الواحد يحتاجها لمكياج كامل بهاد الحجم والبكج اللطيف

رهام الصاوي

Best makeup brushes in the market! I have tried many makeup brushes over the years but this gave me seamless application. Whether you are a makeup artist or a beginner you need to try this. The dual ended brushes are super versatile and handy especially for packing and the hair is super soft, and doesn’t Shed. Definitely recommend

Farah Salem